1000 Books Before School
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Get your child school-ready!
Did you know that reading together is the best way to encourage a love of books in your child?
Register for 1000 Books Before School to start your reading adventure!
How 1000 Books Before School Works
Spend time sharing books with your little ones while building early literacy skills.
Keep a record of the books shared with your children in their pre-school years, and aim to reach 1000 before they turn six.
Register at your local library to receive your free reading kit, including your first reading log, to get started. Your child will need to be aged 0-5 years and a member of Macquarie Regional Library to join the program.
- Each time you read a book together with your child record it on your reading log.
- After every 50 books, visit your library to receive a sticker. Your child will receive a special reward when they reach the milestones: 100, 250, 500, 750 and 1000 books.
- Every book that your child completes, or actively listens to, counts - this includes stories read at Storytime, day care, playgroup, as well as reading the same book over and over again. You can read books from anywhere - not just library books.
- The program finishes once your child reaches 1000 books, or turns six.
Frequently asked questions
How old does my child have to be to start the program?
Your child can begin any time before they turn six. You can even register your newborn baby!
How do I register for the program?
Visit your library to register and collect your free reading kit.
Does my child need a library card to join the program?
Yes. Getting a library card is free and simple. You can even join online.
Can I count the same book over and over?
Yes. Repetition is important for learning so record every time you re-read a favourite book.
Can I count books that are read to my child by other people or at programs like Storytime?
Yes. Every book that your child completes, or actively listens to, can be counted.
Do we have to read library books?
No. Any book that is read counts – whether it’s a library book, your own book or a friend’s book.
Can I count audiobooks?
As long as your child listens to the whole book, it counts.
Can I count books read to my child before I registered for the program?
No. Just start counting books from the moment you receive your first reading log.